Extension Principles and Techniques: First line extension programmes of ICAR

education flow

Outlet pressure – The minimum pressure that is required by the customer at the delivery or exit point as per access arrangement entered into by the shipper and the transporter. Typically lending institutions get funds from banks/ NBFCs through onlending, refinance, asset purchase, securitization, assignment etc. There are therefore other windows available including the Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme and the Special Liquidity Facility. • In case the borrower wishes to take from any lender an amount more than the proportional 20% of the outstanding credit that the borrower has with that particular lender, a No Objection Certificate would be required from all other lenders.

  • The Airtel PRI solution is an end-to-end digital connection on our robust network infrastructure.
  • The concept of involving potential clientele in the planning of extension programmes has received widespread acceptance.
  • However, a very simplified version of most of these models may be quite workable for evaluating extension programmes since, as Bhatnagar has pointed out, any extension evaluation process has to be based on certain assumptions.
  • Extension Lines – An extension line is also a thin continuous line drawn in extension of an outline.
  • The scheme is available to 26 sectors identified by Kamath Committee and Healthcare sector which are affected by COVID-19.
  • The proficiency of a company extended to a new product category is called an extension of company expertise.

It consists of only one product which is available in 3 different sizes or SKUs. For example, Kellogg’s Cornflakes offers so many different flavours, Maruti Suzuki sells various models in sedan category & Vaseline is sold in different stock keeping units . Data types define the kind of data to be tagged with the element name. Relationships that arrange elements allowing them to navigate the taxonomy content in parent-child tree structures .

Projects under ITD were executed by the Department of Agriculture and Co-operation , Government of India, and the ICAR. Production Systems Research mode of funding divided Agro-ecological-Zones into five sub-modes, namely, Rain fed, Irrigated, Arid, Coastal, and Hill & Mountain. All five sub-modes were recognized as respective Agro-ecosystem Directorates and were empowered to source funds and administer & monitor the progress of the projects. The Board may validate the computed capacity with actual capacity as per the flow regime of the pipeline with actual flow conditions as and when desired. Inlet pressure – The maximum pressure that is available at the entry point to the pipeline system. When the leading brand will bestow its brand awareness to the new product, it doesn’t mean that organizations don’t have to invest at all.

Observe the following figure of two non-intersecting, parallel lines ‘a’ and ‘b’ which show a perpendicular distance denoted by ‘c’ and ‘d’. The following points list the properties of intersecting lines which help us to identify them easily. TuteeHUB is a cloud based ecosystem for all to “Learn, Work & Earn” using integrated tools and hosted products and services. To organize the need based training programmes for subject matter specialists and farmers, after identification of problems.

Product Line Width

Such lines meet at any angle which is greater than 0° and less than 180°. Parallel lines never intersect each other and are always the same distance apart, whereas, intersecting lines cross each other and share a common point known as the point of intersection. Perpendicular lines are those intersecting lines that cross each other at an angle of 90°. The distance between non-intersecting lines is always the same. The following points list the properties of non-intersecting lines which help us to identify them easily. Intersecting lines meet each other at any angle which is greater than 0° and less than 180°.

Similar to Gillette’s razoline extension meaning and shaving products, Colgate’s toothpaste and brush are interrelated goods. As you need a toothbrush to use toothpaste, it was a significant step by the brand to complement toothpaste and their products. Therefore, before establishing a new product or service, enumerate your core brand characteristics.

Further, if there is to be progress and not more evolution in the development of man, the objectives must be periodically revised in view of the progress made. In other words, as changes occur, objectives need to be re determined to allow for even further progress to be realized. Sound programme building selects problems based on people’s needs. I t is necessary to select these problems which are most urgent and of widest concern. Choice of problems must be from among those highlighted by an analysis of the facts regarding what are felt as unfelt needs. To be effective, extension work must begin with the interests of the families.


The answers to these questions lie in the programme planning process. 2.This are the process whereby the people in the country, through their leaders, plan their extension programme. Country and state professional extension staff members assist in this process. The end-result of this process is a written programme statement . Extension programme planning is a system as its procedures and processes are interrelated, ordered and linked progressively to form a collective whole. It includes several subprocesses, such as planning, designing, implementing, evaluation etc.

Takeover of Accounts

An example of Market Extension is that suppose an organization of garment industry that produces white t-shirts. As the business is achieved in attracting customers’ emotions, they started asking for other colors and designs of t-shirts. Thus, the organization started producing it with new structures or designs according to their needs and wants. For example, Colgate initially introduced paste and later developed products related to oral care, personal products etc.

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‘We want him here long-term’ – Eagles GM Roseman optimistic about ….

Posted: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 01:35:04 GMT [source]

Programme is a written statement containing a more pertinent factual data used in decision-making, the problems agreed upon with priority assignment and the possible solutions to the problems’. Cutting-plane Lines – These are long, thin, chain lines, thick at ends only. Hidden Lines – These are medium thick lines made up of short dashes of approximately equal lengths of about 2 mm spaced at equal distances of about 1 mm. They are used to represent inferior or hidden edges and surfaces of an object.

Extended Warranty Period

Organization should be used as a tool to accomplish these purposes, never as an end in itself. Brunner and Yang argue that there is no greater mistake than to assume that technical know-how alone will solve the problems of the farmers. They say that no programme or even technique can achieve the desired results when not in harmony with the culture of the people. ‘Extension knows, if need be, the surer way is to effect cultural change by the slow but certain process of education’. Which will form the basis of extension teaching plans for a given period. The end-product is a written statement of situation, problems, objectives and solutions.

They are terminated by arrowheads touching the outlines, extension lines or centre lines. They are drawn to represent visible edges and surface boundaries of objects. S because they may take advantage of their parent brand’s power and recognition to target new markets and open up fresh sales channels.

Definitions of evaluation

This would be the system capacity for multi source pipeline system. The entity while submitting the capacity of the pipeline system to the Board shall furnish a declaration that the capacity has been calculated using the approved flow equation. As a major decision of a brand, brand extension requires a lot of planning and execution. The designs and other branding elements need to be changed, and a new concept needs to be carried out. Therefore, the best method to implement your brand or product addition is approaching a professional branding agencyto get the best result. Involvement of local people and their institutions is very essential for the success of any programme for their development.

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Chris Perkins: Relax, Dolphins fans … your QB for 2023 season will ….

Posted: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 09:35:30 GMT [source]

Understanding Promotion in Marketing Mix What is Promotion in marketing mix? Your mind might be wandering with all these questions if you are a marketing aspirant. Read on to learn everything in detail about one of the most powerful 4Ps of the marketing mix. A mega-brand company like GE continues to sell off under-performing brands that no longer seem sustainable and streamline its product lines according to the present-day circumstances. Some brands are doing well without much reshuffle of their product offerings.


To process an instance document into a layout that facilitates readability and understanding of its contents. XML file that contains business reporting information and represents a collection of financial facts and report-specific information using tags from one or more XBRL taxonomies. The occurrence in an instance document of a value or other information tagged by a taxonomy element. A taxonomy that allows users to add to a published taxonomy in order to define new elements or change element relationships and attributes without altering the original. An element that represents an entire set of other elements; the domain and its members are used to classify facts along the axis of a table.


FLDs are also conducted in allied fields like Animal Science, Home Science etc. The introduction of high yielding varieties and hybrids, introduction of alternate crops, SRI techniques, Farm mechanization, vermicomposting techniques and mushroom https://1investing.in/ion are some of the successful results of FLD in Thiruchirapalli District. The business first produced vacuum cleaners and other home appliances before expanding to include desk lamps in its product line.

These notions are that the process of evaluation is essentially a process of determining behaviour of the people covered under the programme and the process of determining the degree to which these behavioural changes are actually taking place. Thus extension evaluation may be said to be a process for determining behavioural changes of people resulting from extension programmes. Once evaluation became an integral part of the extension education process, extension managers started applying this process to evaluate programme planning, management and implementation aspects of extension programme. It is intended to apply these regulations to all new and existing petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas pipelines including dedicated pipelines for the purpose of declaration of capacity of the pipeline under steady state conditions. If we could know ‘where we are’ and ‘where we are to go’ we could better judge ‘what to do’ and ‘how to do’. It has to be made to happen.The most basic fact giving rise to planning is that effective rural development result from choice, not from chance; it results from design, not from drift.

Many have suggested that the purpose of planning is for educating those who participate. According to Vanderberg , ‘the primary purpose of any planning, first and foremost is that of developing a sound, defensible and progressive course of action or plan. In the process followed, many other benefits might accrue, such as the education of participants, but we want a plan which can and will be used’. Leagans says that an “extension programme” is a set of clearly defined, consciously conceived objectives or ends, derived from an adequate analysis of the situation, which are to be achieved through extension teaching activity’. According to Kelsey and Hearne , an “extension programme” is a statement of situation, objectives, problems and solutions’. They focus all of their efforts on one thing that they do exceptionally well.

line extension meaning

Identify extrapolation domains for new technology/technology modules based on environmental characterization at meso and mega level. Lab to Land programme was implemented in 1979, by ICAR as a part of its Golden Jubilee celebrations. The aim of the programme is to assist the selected farm families for improving their farming systems and thereby generating more employment and income. To impart training to the teachers of KVK in agricultural technology as well as in pedagogy. “Unless the metro is not extended, people are not going to use the facility. Authorities should complete the remaining work as soon as possible so that we can benefit from the service,” said Pankaj Kakade, a bank official.

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